Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Course Welcome & Overview

    • Quick Questions - Before we begin...

    • Workbook (Download): Finding Purpose On Your True Path

    • Troubleshooting Guide for the Course

  • 2

    Module 1: The Journey Is the Destination!

    • Overview: Module 1

    • Video 1: The Journey Is the Destination!

    • Activity 1: Defining Success (Workbook)

    • Reflection Question 1: What Did You Learn?

  • 3

    Module 2: The Human Experience - Who Are You?

    • Module 2 Overview

    • Video 2: Who Are You?

    • Activity 2: What Works For You? (Workbook)

  • 4

    Module 3: Ikigai - Why Are You Here?

    • Overview: Module 3

    • Video 3a: Ikigai - Your Why

    • Activity 3: What's your Ikigai? (Workbook)

    • Video 3b: Ikigai Example

  • 5

    Module 4: Your True Path - Where Are You Going?

    • Overview: Module 4

    • Video 4: Your True Path & Direction

    • Activity 4: Letting Go To Be Truly Happy (Workbook)

  • 6

    Module 5: Your Inner GPS – Which Direction on Your Path?

    • Overview: Module 5

    • Video 5: Your Inner GPS

    • Activity 5: Visioning (Workbook)

  • 7

    Module 6: Stop Shoulding On Yourself & Take Action!

    • Overview: Module 6

    • Video 6: Stop Shoulding & Take Action

    • Activity 6: Action Plan (Workbook)

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    Module 7: Conclusion & Next Steps

    • Overview: Module 7

    • Video 7: Conclusion & Next Steps...

    • More Resources...

    • Quick Questions: Before you go...

    • Activity 7: Course Feedback & Survey